+ 372 5192 75 79 info@advisorhelp.ee

How to add accountant to the Business Register

1. Visit the website with your ID card https://ettevotjaportaal.rik.ee/index.py?chlang=eng 2. Go to the Annual report - Defining persons entering data - Add new person for entering data. 3. Then write ID code number of person. 4. Select your company. And put mark...

Eco friendly

How often we do hear this sentence. What does it mean? No trees cut, no papers. For the very long time I was dreaming to work in my profession without bunch of papers.And finally, in Estonia it became reality.Today nobody surprises to work with electronic...

Hi dear guests and clients!

Please welcome to Adviser Economi OÜ company.Be free to ask your questions, I am happy to make your accounting easier and simplier.Let’s make our first steps together online.We have enough time to introduce Annual Report 2019.As we know, the deadline was...